Seeburg 100W

Seeburg 100W Description The Seeburg 100W was made in 1953, Seeburg jukeboxes are renowned for quality and great sound, The jukebox is very stylish with a large glass dome over the mechanism, Light-up pilasters and a very stylish speaker grill with chrome diamonds. The jukebox holds 50 records (100 selections).   Price £4500

Wurlitzer 1800

Wurlitzer 1800 Description The Wurlitzer 1800 was made in 1955 and was the 2nd jukebox made by Wurlitzer to have the New verticle play mechanism. Very stylish with the red sunburst behind the mechanism and light-up pilasters. The 1800 has 104 selections (52 records).   Ideal first jukebox. Price £7500

RockOla 1438

RockOla 1438 Description The Rock Ola 1438 is better known as the Comet. The jukebox was made in 1954. The jukebox has a revolving title card holder (drum) that turns to display 30 selections at a time. The light-up pilasters are a real feature of this jukebox. The jukebox holds 60 records (120 selections).  …